Saturday, August 22, 2009

look what you have done

5 years
there are stuff i dont say. i can be seen well-of, confident.
but really. i am suffering deep down
it always put me down
why cant i just be like every one else?
i will have faith and not bow down to fate.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

salvation lies within

hey hey
finally i blogged. hahas though rarely anyone comes here.
so its gona be like the last week here in nanchang.
learn alot, more independent of couse, life lessons, bitches and bastards everything
mp's coming up. though m doing one of the more difficult ones, chem, m willing to take up the challenge.
last sem. last chance to improve and make it up.
keeping my goals in mind
driving =/ have not even sign up, but finished studying btt and ftt
napfa gold, shldnt be a problem
Commando Bmt

its all in ur mind

Monday, May 18, 2009

live in technicolor

ok copied this from dear ramesh's blog
the "I' refers to ramesh, not zh

I had my 1ST supernatural experience in my entire 22 years of my life... FIRST one! And I was not even scared by even 0.5%... ha ha... Very interesting... But I am still very sceptical, cynical, disbelieving and non-believer about human spirits and ghosts... ha ha… But it was an interesting experience… There is a famous mystery that Level 7 storeroom of Science School is haunted. All the lecturers, staffs, students, TSO(s) and even instructors are scared to go there alone. As the storeroom is a long hallway, dark and spooky with mini rooms within the store room itself. There were many theories and stories about this room. Likewise, many people gave many experiences. But I am sceptical about their stories except for one of my friend’s own experience. Since, our Level 1 lab was under construction, they moved all the equipments and ingredients to Level 7 storeroom for temporary storage. About one year ago, one of my closest friend who was in charge of bringing the equipments and ingredients from Level 7 to Level 1 had a very spooky experience. He spent most of his time in that room as he was in charge of the moving. One day, he was using his laptop and reading some papers and books in Level 7. And then, he went over to get some things, when he turned, he saw a old Malay lady meddling with his papers and stuff. He assumed it was a cleaner or someone, so he ignored and went back to what he was doing. But the next second, he turned again, and that lady vanished and was no longer there. My brave friend ignored any possibilities and continued bravely. It can be illusion or a spirit. God knows. Knowing all these crap stories. My student* and I went to level 7 to get some maltodextrin and fructose. We opened the door, enter the long hallway, and entered one of the rooms. We searched for everything we need. And we also were gossiping about the strange happenings in these rooms. After that, on the way out, I received a phone call from another student. While, I was taking, both my student and I heard footsteps moving across us. My student immediately asked me, “Did you hear that”. After I hang up the phone, the footstep continued and suddenly stopped. But we bravely walk around the whole hallway to see whether we can see anything. So, these freaking footsteps were my first experience with the supernatural. So, very interesting experience.

*no sweets for guessing correctly who the poor guy is =)

couple of weeks back, when i was in that place alone for half hour, and i didnt know it was haunted, but it just felt weird, as in i can feel the darkness covering up. hahahs and then last week, the foot steps.

tomorow finally the day, after such a long delay, and even a definite possibility of a blotched trip.
but i feel weird. butterflies in stomach. excited i guess. gonna pop a flu tablet, cause i will have difficulty sleeping.
back on 8th august
till then.

sometime things are better of this way
its better if left unsaid

Saturday, May 16, 2009


"Continue to love your enemies, to do good to those hating you,to bless those cursing you, to pray for those who are insulting you.To him that strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also;and from him that takes away your outer garment, do not withholdeven the undergarment. Give to everyone asking you, and from theone taking your things away do not ask them back. Also, just asyou want men to do to you, do the same way to them first. There exists the one speaking thoughtlessly as with the stabs of a sword,but the tongue of the wise ones is a healing."
-ramesh kumar

Thursday, May 14, 2009

punching bag

punching bag 
1. an inflated or stuffed bag, usually suspended, punched with the fists as an exercise.
2. lecturer insisting that its your fault when shit happens

这感觉 已经不对 我最后才了解


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

on a lighter note

murder inc.

Monday, May 11, 2009

behave and respect

respect is what you earn.
how do you like if i insult your mum? or dad?
think about it.
you are a chief, behave and act like one.
how are you going to answer to the parents that was insulted by you almighty chief if the guy that you insulted commit sucide?
will you be haunted by guilt?
its fortunate that i called and found him hiding somewhere crying.

You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jelly beans
-Ronald Wilson Reagan

think abt it

18 may 2009
MF 856

Friday, May 8, 2009


Its hard to imagine the things that he had been thorough. Its hard to believe that he is still facing it right now, yet putting on a confident front.
i still cant face my demons

visa signed. next fri

Friday, May 1, 2009


11th may 2009

" well lets imagaine the end, before it even begin",you said -the academy is

Friday, April 24, 2009

sometimes i really feel fucked up.
i need to get away.
from here. from everything

Monday, April 13, 2009

But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

piece of shit
whats so difficult to send that document over to singapore?
all of us are pumped up ready and waiting to go.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

i really hope everythings all right. cause i really care

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

check yes juiliet!

check yes juliet!
like finally, this is the new add for my upcoming 'adventures'
reason being,wanton mee is kinda like my favourite dish that i will miss when i am gone for the 16 weeks.
anyway the palce i will be going is nanchang university, xue fu road no 999, hong gu tan new district, jiangxi, nanchang city, people republic of china.
had the misconception of going to nanjing instead of nanchang. soo hope its a nice place to stay
ohh so m the only guy left in this expedition, as gerald decided to back-out! nah. dun worry, m ok.
soo yes 90 percent i would have my own room, and pray hard i wont have to share it some local guys who stink of "unwashed bedsheet linen smell" aka UBLS
soo been busy preparing for this trip, buying food stuff, and handling admin stuff, and of course fartleks training.

hopefully there is a gym in the premise that i can make full use of. airborne selection in a few months time, cant afford to slow down anymore!

so next post would msot prob be when i am there!

Friday, February 27, 2009

fast times at barrington high

hey i got in
china 4months
shld i be happy or not

4 mois là. c'est mon rêve pour être là. j'ai travaillé durement et l'espoir de cela. je devrais être heureux. mais je vraiment comme vous. quelques ces mois ont été grands pour moi.
je rembered quand j'ose seulement vous regarder d'une distance. de temps à autre en vous volant quelques coups d'oeil, à l'amphithéâtre. au bustop. espérant que vous prendrez le même bus 8 moi. encore je dont ose même faire un pas pour vous parler. tout cela a changé le jour où j'avais le courage. le bavardage avec vous, en étant ma date pendant le jour valentines. mais maintenant j'ai fini aller. je vraiment comme vous. je vous attendrai. donnez-moi une chance et je le prouverai le droit de vous. attendez-moi vous ira faire ?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

infinte mischief

time flies like bees among the flowers
sem's ending soon
soon everyone will be on the way to the highlight of menu
hopefully the appeal for osip will be a success
and be gone from singapore for couple of months
mixed feelings now =/
and leave no regrets
heroes jump, enemies fall

Thursday, January 29, 2009

total distance. 3.54km X 2